Monday, February 7, 2011

Maryland’s Montgomery Council hearing on Pepco 2/7/2077

Considering 3 out of 4 homes in Maryland fall within a Common Interest Communities “CIC” (aka Condominium, Cooperative Single Family Homeowner & Townhouse Associations.)  and utilities specifically electricity is one of the largest budget item all CIC’s face. This is a huge issues to these communities and considering the cost bore by them as rate payers and the treatment they presently receive, or lack of it, from Pepco we need to get them some help.

Our partner, Community PaperWorks, Inc. “CPWI” has been working with Montgomery’s CICs  since CPWI opened it’s doors in 1989. Through this long history we have seen whether this is by design or neglect that Pepco doesn’t recognize CIC’s as a Party of Rights.  Where are the representatives to speak on behalf of these Communities?

We at the ICA are specifically interested in plans by Maryland’s public officials with regards to Pepco’s restitution of funds to be paid back to customers and how it will be administered.  In-light of the fact that Pepco treats most of the CIC’s as a hodgepodge of different baskets:
  1. Consumer accounts for the owners units,
  2. Business accounts for common electrical utilities
  3. Street lights are in yet another account  

We worry that Pepco and public officials will by this confusion be prevented for analysing the true cost to the CIC. ERGO, the CIC’s will not get the correct restitution of funds.   

An ongoing tangential issues is that this present system prevents these CIC’s from gaining discounts that energy users of similar aggregation profiles have been getting for years like AOBA, local & federal governments, and of course big business which we believe would improve if Pepco faced a real Distribution competitor in this marketplace while not being discussed today it is an issue and need to be addressed sooner then later.

Until these issues are resolved the Condominium, Cooperative, Single Family & Townhouse Associations will continue to receive a very bad deal. For the amount of money these owners & their CIC’s pay in Pepco bills it would behove both business and community leaders to start working with CICs.  If left in the dark owners will be compelled to vote politicians out for not being “Community Candidates.” As we already saw in Maryland’s last election this is on the ballots even if Pepco is not the politician.

We know that the issues of the day and tomorrow will not resolved until the inequities are identified and made to reflect the highest Marginal Utility of Public Good.   The International Community Association and our partners like CPWI stand ready to work with CIC Boards, Community Leaders, Pepco and Maryland’s Public Service Commission.

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